
Author : Prince NRVL
Architecture : x64 [ 64 Bit ]
Version : 7600 RTM_2010
Tweaks : Tweaked for performance and graphics
Applications : Added WPI [ 32 Apps ]
Testing : Tested on iNtel [ i5 and i7 servers and home PC ]
AMD [ X2,X4 ]
MAC Lappy
Tested : More than 30 times

Whats’ new?

- New startup ORB
- New themes [ Multiple ]
- New Sound Schemes
- New and best softwares
- Edited ****l and more
- Best appearence
- Freaking fast
- Freaking appearence like MAC OSX


- All Lang packs
- Sample Vids and music
- Sample Pictures
- Screen Savers
- Fax
- Windows System Restore
- Indexing Service
- Windows Gadgets

Control Panel

- Registry
- Group Policy
- User Directory
- Recycle Bin
- Network
- User Account 2
- Windows switcher
- Internet Explorer
- Libraries

Desktop Tweaks

- Show Hidden Wallpapers and Themes
- Application TimeOut – 3000
- Show Windows Live
- Font Smoothing
- Lowlevel Hooks TimeOut – 3000
- Welcome Center
- Menu Show Delay – 8
- Wait to Kill Application TimeOut – 3000

Explorer Context

- Add Device Manager
- Add Group Policy
- Add MS-Config
- Add Services
- God Mode
- Registry Editor
- Administrative Tools
- Apperance
- Change Theme
- Change Wallpaper
- Desktop Icon Settings
- God Mode
- Task Manager
- Windows Colorization
- Copy To
- Move To
- Grant Admin Permission
- Open With Notepad


- Anti spyware
- UAC – Disable
- Windows Firewall – Enable

WPI – 32 New [ Best Appz ]

- 7ZIP 9.66.3
- Aero CMD
- Audio ****l
- Enhance my 7
- Flash Player Active X 10.1
- Flash Player PlugIn 10.1
- HashCheck ****l Extension 2.1.11
- Hidden Files toggler
- jane.v1.62
- Java Runtime U20
- K-Lite_Codec_Pack-64bit_390
- K-Lite_Codec_Pack_640_Mega
- MicroAngelo On Display 6.1
- Notepad++ 5.6.8
- Pidgin 2.7.1
- QuickTime Alternative 3.2.2
- Rainmeter 1.2
- RealPlayer SP Gold 1.1.5
- RocketDock
- Safari 5.0
- ShockWave 11.5
- Snow Leopard Winrar 3.93
- UltraIso 9.3.6
- xDark Chrome 5
- xDark Foobar 1.0.3
- xDark Trillian 4.2
- xDark Vlc 1.1.0
- xDark Winamp 5.58
- Snow Panther Firefox 3.6.6
- iTunes 9.2
- Yahoo IM 10.0.1

Download in here

| KAV KIS Key |

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